Recorded talks on YouTube
Gaudenz Danuser
Gaudenz Danuser is currently appointed as the inaugural chairman of the Lyda Hill Department of Bioinformatics au UT Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW) in Dallas. He also holds the Patrick E. Haggerty Distinguished Chair in Basic Biomedical Science and is a Scholar of the Cancer Prevention Institute of Texas (CPRIT). Before moving to UTSW, Danuser directed research laboratories at ETH Zurich (2002 – 2003), at The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla (2003 – 2009), and at Harvard Medical School (2009 – 2014).
Trained as an engineer (geodetic and electrical engineering/computer science), he entered the field of cell biology as a postdoctoral fellow in the Program for Architectural Dynamics of Living Cells at the MBL in Woods Hole. Since then, he has focused his research on the question how chemical and mechanical signals integrate in the regulation of cytoskeleton dynamics and membrane trafficking.
Currently, his lab’s main interest is focused on understanding the roles shape regulation play in the enhanced proliferation and survival of the metastatic cell, including how shape cues may confer drug resistance. To address these questions the lab develops innovative quantitative imaging methods to experimentally probe these processes and uses mathematical modeling to compile the data in mechanistic systems analyses. He is a devoted teacher in areas of computational cell biology, cellular biophysics, and the theory of measurement applied to cell biology both at the institutional and international level.
Nadia El-Mabrouk
Nadia El-Mabrouk is full professor at the Computer Science Department and member of the “Centre de Recherche Mathématiques” at the University of Montreal. She has a longstanding experience in developing algorithms for comparative genomics and especially genome rearrangements, gene tree reconstruction and orthology/paralogy relations between genes. She has organized two RECOMB Comparative Genomics Workshops in Montreal. This year, she has been chairing the Population Genomics and Molecular Evolution track at ISMB. She is involved, each, year in the program committee of some of the most prestigious computational biology conferences such as RECOMB, ISMB, WABI or APBC. Her research appears in a variety of computer science, bioinformatics and life science journals, among them IEEE/ACM, Molecular Biology and Evolution, Bioinformatics, Nature Scientific Reports or BMC-Genomics.
Trey Ideker
Dr. Ideker is a Professor of Medicine at UC San Diego. He is the Director of the National Resource for Network Biology, the San Diego Center for Systems Biology, and the Cancer Cell Map Initiative. He is a pioneer in using genome-scale measurements to construct network models of cellular processes and disease. The goal of the Ideker Lab is to develop a new type of medicine based on knowledge of the complete physical and functional wiring of the cell. They are developing new ways of mapping these wiring diagrams directly from genome-scale measurements (genomic, proteomic, and metabolomic) and for using these maps to translate the increasingly complex data gathered from patients to predict disease outcomes and develop better treatments.